Adam Mickiewicz University (2001-2010):

  • Habilitation in philosophy – June 26th 2017 – Dissertation: “Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s Action Theory – Reinterpretive Studies”. Committee: Prof. Katarzyna Paprzycka (UW), Prof. Włodzimierz Galewicz (JU), Prof. Małgorzata Cern (AMU)
  • Ph.D. in philosophy – June 7th 2010 (cum laude/with honors) – Dissertation: “Status of Goodness and Duty in Contemporary Naturalistic Ethics”. Supervisor: Prof. Tadeusz Buksiński (AMU). Committee: Prof. Marcin Poręba (University of Warsaw), Prof. Ewa Nowak (AMU)
  • B.A. in classical philology – 2006
  • M.A. in philosophy – 2005


  1. 04.2019-01.2023: “Intentionality of organizational routines”, National Science Centre Poland, DEC-2018/29/B/HS4/01824 – director & principal investigator (363 933 PLN),
  2. 01.2019-01.2022: “Semantic and epistemological aspects of ostension: from demonstrating procedures to exploitation of the context of utterance”, National Science Centre Poland, DEC-2018/29/B/HS1/01868 – investigator (461 440 PLN),
  3. 08.2012-08.2015: “Theories of Reasons for Action. A Possibility of Application to the Management Field”, National Science Centre Poland  Grant DEC-2011/03/B/HS4/04162 – director & principal investigator (108 100 PLN),
  4. 01.09.2012-31.03.2013: Practical Rationality: Contemporary Theories of Reasons for Action and Their Implications for the Conception of Prudential Reason, Fulbright Senior Advanced Research at UC Davis (26 280 USD);
  5. 03.2009-03.2011: “Status of Goodness and Duty in Contemporary Naturalistic Ethics” – Supervisory Grant of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, No. N N101 05963 – principal investigator (under the supervision of professor Tadeusz Buksiński);

C. PUBLICATIONS (2015-2025):

I. Authored monographs:

Makowski, P.T. (2017): Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s Action Theory – Reinterpretive Studies, New York: Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40051-8.

II. Edited volumes:

Makowski, P.T. (2015): Praxiology and the Reasons for Action, P. Makowski, M. Bonecki, K. Nowak-Posadzy (Eds.) [Praxiology: The International Annual of Practical Philosophy and Methodology, Vol. 23], New Brunswick, NJ: Routledge. ISBN 9781412857048.

III. Papers:

  1. Makowski, P.T. (2024): Conceptual engineering: the assessment of rigor and rudimentary recommendations for theory developers, Academy of Management Review 49(2): 431–435. DOI: 10.5465/amr.2021.0203.
  2. Makowski, P.T. (2024): Strengthening the theoretical perspective on action in routines research with the analytical philosophy of agency. Journal of Management. 50(5), 1743-1771. DOI: 10.1177/01492063231157328.
  3. Moskalewicz, M., Kordel, P., Kokociński, M., Wiertlewska-Bielarz, J. & Makowski, P.T. (2023). The rhythm of chemotherapy and the felt experience of time: a front-loaded phenomenological retrospective cohort studyScientific Reports 13, 9286.
  4. Ciecierski, T., Makowski, P.T. (2022): Demonstrations as actions, Synthese 200(467). DOI: 10.1007/s11229-022-03942-1.
  5. Makowski, P.T. (2021): Optimizing concepts: conceptual engineering in the field of management. The case of routines research, Academy of Management Review 46(4): 702-724. DOI: 10.5465/amr.2019.0252.
  6. Makowski, P. (2021): Practical intentionality: injecting analytical theory of agency into organizational research. AOM Proceedings 2021(1) DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2021.144.
  7. Makowski, P.T. (2021): Routines: towards the complexity of organizational intentionality, Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13: 1059–1080. DOI: 10.1007/s13164-021-00566-1.
  8. Makowski, P.T., Kajikawa, Y. (2021): Automation-driven innovation management? Toward Innovation-Automation-Strategy cycle, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 168, 120723. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120723.
  9. Makowski, P.T. (2020): Collective intentionality and automatic imitation. The case of La Ola, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50(5): 465-492. DOI: 10.1177/0048393120918302.
  10. Makowski, P.T. (2019): What Are Psychological Micro-foundations of Organizational Routines? (transl. by A. Ostrowska), Problemy Zarządzania – Management Issues 17(4): 88-99. DOI: 10.7172/1644-9584.84.6.
  11. Makowski, P.T. (2016): Intention Inertia and the Plasticity of Planning, Philosophical Psychology, 29(7):1045-1056. DOI: 10.1080/09515089.2016.1213799.

IV. Chapters:

  1. Biscaro, C., Ratzinger, R. & Makowski, P.T. (2025, forthcoming). “Denial as a catalyst for creative exploration. creativity. Hopeful paths”. In Science Denial: People, Organizations, and Institutions, Eds. E. Bruni and L. Lefsrud, Oxford: Oxford University Press,
  2. Makowski, P.T. (2024): “(Re)Conceptualizations: Intentional concept development in the social sciences”. In Stalmaszczyk (Ed.). Conceptual Engineering: Methodological and Metaphilosophical Issues, Brill: mentis, pp. 181–204.
  3. Hensel, P. & Makowski, P.T. (2023): “How the street-level misconduct happens: Deploying references to complex routines as a coping strategy with detrimental consequences”. In Organizational Wrongdoing as the “Foundational” Grand Challenge: Consequences and Impact Vol: 85. Eds. C. Gabbioneta, M. Clemente, R. Greenwood (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 84), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 193-210.
  4. Makowski, P.T. (2022): “Shared Agency and Intentionality – A Praxiological View” in Self-Knowledge and Moral Identity, Ed. R.K. Panda (pp. 257-272), New Delhi: Tulika Books/Columbia University Press.
  5. Makowski, P.T. (2017): “Kotarbiński’s praxiology and the analytic action theory” in Praxiological Essays: Texts and Contexts, Ed. W.W. Gasparski, Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781315103532.
  6. Makowski, P.T. (2016): “Reasons for Being Flexible. Desires, Intentions, and Plans” in Desire – The Concept and Its Practical Context, Ed. Timo Airaksinen, Wojciech W. Gasparski (pp. 59-78), New Brunswick, NJ: Routledge. ISBN 9781412863131.
  7. Makowski, P.T. (2015): “Praxiology meets Planning Theory of Intention: Kotarbiński and Bratman on Plans” in Reasons for Action and Praxiology. Broadening the Borders, Eds. P. Makowski, M. Bonecki, K. Nowak [The International Annual of Practical Philosophy and Methodology, Vol. 23] (pp. 43-71). New Brunswick, NJ: Routledge. ISBN 9781412857048.

V. Papers in Polish:

  1. Makowski, P.T. (2022): Intencjonalność kolektywna a wyjaśnianie mikro-makro–przykład działań rutynowych. Sensus Historiae XLVI (2022/1): 185-198.
  2. Makowski, P.T. (2022): Jak myśleć o praktyczności? Wojciecha Gasparskiego traktat o filozofii Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego oraz similaria. Prakseologia 163-164: 163-178.
  3. Makowski, P.T. (2018): Conceptual Engineering in Organization and Management Theory. Studia i Materiały 28(2): 90-100. DOI: 10.7172/1733-9758.2018.28.8.
  4. Makowski, P.T. (2015): Moore and the Semantic Autonomy of EthicsPrincipia. Pisma koncepcyjne z filozofii i socjologii teoretycznej, Vol. 59-60: 67-81 DOI: 10.4467/20843887PI.14.003.2973.

D. PRESENTATIONS (2014-2025):

I. in English (international):

  1. Makowski, P.T., S. Ren “Hybrid collective intentionality of human-AI teams: two mindsets and their implications for teamwork”, University of Bath, School of Management (04.12.2024 – invited),
  2. Makowski, P.T. “Different yet same. Intentionality ascriptions to routines across practice and capabilities schools. Large Language Model-based approach” Harnessing LLMs for Management Research, PDW, Academy of Management, Chicago, USA (10.08.2024),
  3. Motor intentions (breaking bad): cognitive science, action theory and conceptual engineering. XXV World Congress of Philosophy, Rome, Italy (07.08.2024 – invited),
  4. Makowski, P.T., N.J. Foss & S. Lindenberg “When Routines Fall Apart: The Role of Collective Mindfulness and Organisational Support, Institute of Leadership and Change Management, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria (07.11.2023 – invited),
  5. Makowski, P.T. “Stability of temporarily extended agency and path-dependence”, 12th Polish Congress of Philosophy, Lodz, Poland (14.09.2023),
  6. Makowski, P.T. “Rhetoric power of presuppositions and the common ground of conversation”, Symposium 1871: “The Disruptive and Performative Power of Rhetoric” (Elena Bruni & Claudio Biscaro), Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, USA (08.08.2023 – invited),
  7. Makowski, P.T. “Shared intentions in the Coleman Boat”, Themes from Raimo Tuomela’s Social Ontology, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania (27-28.09.2022 – invited plenary),
  8. Makowski, P.T., Biscaro, C. “Stickiness of concepts and creativity. Understanding the barriers to innovative theory building”, EGOS 2022, Vienna, Austria, (07.07.2022),
  9. Makowski, P.T., “Sticky concepts: Barriers to theory building in organizational research”, PHOM 2022, University of Oxford, St. Anne’s College, Oxford, UK (01.07.2022),
  10. Makowski, P.T., “Optimizing concepts: Conceptual engineering in the field of management”, Strategy, International Management & Business, and Entrepreneurship, University of Bristol School of Management, Bristol, UK (18.01.2022),
  11. Makowski, P.T., Kajikawa, Y. “Automation-driven innovation management? Towards Innovation-Strategy Cycle” Deep Learning, Optimization, Big Data & Artificial Intelligence without Borders (LOD 2021) Grasmere, Lake District, UK (04-08.10.2021),
  12. Makowski, P.T. “Practical intentionality: injecting analytical theory of agency into organizational research” Academy of Management Annual  Meeting 2021 (OMT Division), virtual, (30.07-03.08.2021), virtual;
  13. Makowski, P.T. “Making sense of the psycho-cognitive microfoundations of organizational routines: Automaticity/flexibility problem revisited”, European Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2020, Dublin, Ireland 2020,
  14. Ciecierski, T., Makowski, P.T. “Demonstrations as Actions”, ECAP 2020, Utrecht, Nederlands (17-28.08.2020),
  15. Makowski, P.T. “Making sense of the psycho-cognitive microfoundations of organizational routines: Automaticity/flexibility problem revisited”, Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2020 (MOC Division), Vancouver, Canada, (10.08.2020),
  16. Makowski, P.T. “Innovation management without managers? Automation and management in light of conceptual engineering” – Exploring Responsible Innovation Using Philosophical Methods (PDW), Vancouver, Canada, (08.08.2020),
  17. Makowski, P.T., Ciecierski, T. “Demonstrations as Actions”, SPE 2019, Warsaw, Poland (20.09.2019),
  18. Makowski, P.T. “Conceptual Engineering and Organization and Management Theory. The Case of Routines Research”, EGOS 2019, Edinburgh, UK (05.07.2019),
  19. Makowski, P.T. “Conceptual Engineering and Organization and Management Theory. The Case of Routines Research”, AMJ/AMR Paper and Idea Development Workshop, ISCTE-JUL, Lisbon, Portugal (25.06.2019),
  20. Makowski, P.T. “Collective Intentionality and Practice/Routine Dynamics”, Helsinki Workshop on Routines and Practices, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland (23.05.2019),
  21. Makowski, P.T. “Economic Expertise and Political Innocence”, Culture of Economic Expertise, Polish Economic Institute, Warsaw, Poland (25.01.2019),
  22. Makowski, P.T. “Routines”, Philosophers’ Rally, University of Łódź, Poland (30.06.2018),
  23. Makowski, P.T. “Collective Intentionality and Automatic Imitation. A Hybrid Account of Shared Action”, 2nd Context, Cognition, and Communication Conference, University of Warsaw, Poland (18.06.2018),
  24. Makowski, P.T. “Flexibility of Planning Agency” Dept. of Philosophy, University of California, Riverside, USA (26.04.2018 – invited talk),
  25. Makowski, P.T. “Why Do Planning Agents Need Psychological Flexibility?” HULT International Business School, San Francisco, USA (08.03.2018 – invited talk)
  26. Makowski, P.T. “Automatic Agency – Scientific and Philosophical Image”, Philosophers’ Rally, University of Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland (06.07.2017),
  27. Makowski, P.T. “Motor Intentions, Motor Representations, and Libet’s Experiment”, Philosophers’ Rally, University of Białystok, Białystok, Poland (05.07.2016),
  28. Makowski, P.T. “Distal Intentions in Empirically Unstable Contexts of Actions”, Context Cognition, and Communication Conference, University of Warsaw, Poland (17.06.2016),
  29. Makowski, P.T. “Intention Inertia and the Plasticity of Planning”, Institute of Philosophy, University of Bern, Switzerland (09.12.2015 – invited discussion on my paper),
  30. Makowski, P.T. “Plasticity of Planning Agency”, Social and Moral Philosophy, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland (28.10.2015 – invited talk),
  31. Makowski, P.T. “Shared Agency: Intentions, Reasons, and Propensities to Act”, Self-Knowledge and Moral Identity, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, (13-16.01.2015 – invited),
  32. Makowski, P.T. “The (In)flexible agency”, ‘Desire’ Workshop, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, Rome, Italy (31.10-01.11.2014 – invited),
  33. “The Praxiology of Shared Agency”, ACERP2014, Osaka, Japan (30.03.2014),
  34. Makowski, P.T. “Praxiology – The Philosophy of Effectiveness and Efficiency in Human Action” – Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Turkey (26.02.2014 – invited lecture),

II. in Polish:

  1. Makowski, P.T. “Tadeusz Kotarbinski’s Praxiology”, 12th Polish Congress of Philosophy, Lodz, Poland (16.09.2023),
  2. Makowski, P.T. “Praxiology of routine actions”, Praxiology, Ethics, Economy, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw (06.12.2022),
  3. Makowski, P.T., Ciecierski, T. “Demonstrations as Actions” , 11th Polish Philosophical Congress, KUL, Lublin (10.09.2019),
  4. Makowski, P.T. “The Problem of Intentionality in Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s Action Theory”, Learned Society of Praxiology, Pałac Staszica, Warsaw (16.02.2017),
  5. Makowski, P.T. “The Problem of Intentionality in Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s Action Theory”, Sign-Language-Reality, University of Warsaw, Warsaw (25.11.2016),
  6. Makowski, P.T. “Aristotelian Motives in Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s Praxiology”, Back To Aristotle, PTPN, Poznan (20.10.2016),
  7. Makowski, P.T. “The Psychological Conditions of Effectiveness in Fluctuating Environment (Military Cases)”, Problems of Effectiveness in Management, Academy of National Defense, Warsaw (04.12.2015),
  8. Makowski, P.T. “Psychological Stability in an Unstable Environment of Planned Actions”, Mind–Decisions–Behaviour, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun (15.05.2015);


  1. Host to Joint Academy of Management Review and Academy of Management Discoveries Idea Development Workshop, University of Warsaw, Poland (04-05.07.2022),
  2. Head of the Management Science Group – Recruitment Committee for the Doctoral School at the University of Warsaw, Poland (2020-21),
  3. The external examiner of two BA candidates, Institute of Philosophy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, (21.06.2019),
  4. Full Member of the European Group for Organizational Studies (05.2019-05.2020),
  5. The examiner/opponent of Ari Virta – public PhD Defence, University of Helsinki, Finland (22.04.2017),
  6. Peer-Reviewer for: Erkenntnis. An International Journal for Scientific Philosophy (Springer) Journal of Organizational Change Management (Emerald), Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy (Springer),
  7. Chairman of the International Conference Committee (and initiator of the event):  ECTA 2013: European Conference of Theory of Action – Reasons for Action and Praxiology. Broadening the Borders (12-14.06.2013, Poznań),
  8. Member of Associaton for Contextual Behavioral Science (from 11.2017 – present),
  9. Member of American Philosophical Association (from 01.2017 – present),
  10. Member of Scientific Society for Praxiology (from 12.2011 – present),
  11. Member and Reviewer at Regional Committee of Philosophy Olympiad, Poznan (10.2011-2017),
  12. Member of the Editorial Board at: Ethics in Progress Quarterly, Academic Research Publishers of Institute of Philosophy, Adam Mickiewicz University (01.10.2010 – present);


  1. 2022: Rector’s Distinction for development and contributions to university growth, University of Warsaw (12.09.2022),
  2. 2021: Best Paper Nomination for: Practical intentionality: injecting analytical theory of agency into organizational research, Organization and Management Theory Division, Academy of Management, USA (03.08.2021),
  3. 2019: Nomination for 2019 EGOS “That’s interesting!” Award (for the paper: Conceptual Engineering in Organization and Managemet Theory. The case of routines research), Subtheme 61 Organizing Committee (08.08.2019),
  4. 2018: Kosciuszko Foundation Fellowship at University of California, Riverside (scholarship 02-05.2018), 9 000 USD,
  5. 2017: 3rd grade award from the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (for the book “Tadeusz Kotarbinski’s Action Theory”), 5 000 PLN,
  6. 2015: Unique Alumnus Grant (for 2-months scholarship in Helsinki), Adam Mickiewicz University, 10 000 PLN,
  7. 2013-2016: Scholarship for Polish Distinguished Young Scientists from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, 162 900 PLN,
  8. Fulbright Senior Advanced Research Award, University of California, Davis (scholarship: 09.2012-03.2013),
  9. Honors for the Ph.D. dissertation, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Dept. of Social Sciences Committee, (07.06.2010),
updated: 10.2024