- Queen’s University Belfast (United Kingdom) – from 07/01/2023 – position: Reader in Org Behavior
- University of Warsaw (Poland)– from 09/01/2023 – position Research Professor, part-time,
- University of Warsaw (Poland) – 01/01/2018-09/01/2023 – position: University Professor (faculty), specialization: Strategy, Theory building, Philosophy of science
- Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan – 09/01/2010-09/01/2018 -Positions: Assistant/Associate Professor, specialization: metaethics, action theory
- University of California, Riverside (USA) – 02/02/2018–02/05/2018 (Visiting Professor, specialization: action theory)
- University of Helsinki (Finland) – 09/01/2015–10/31/2015 (Visiting Research Fellow, specialization: action theory)
- Universita’ degli Studi Roma Tre (Italy) – 09/01/2014-02/16/2015 (Visiting Fellow, specialization: action theory)
- University of California, Davis (USA) – 09/01/2012–03/31/2013 (Fulbright Senior Advanced Research Scholar, specialization: action theory, theory of rationality)
Adam Mickiewicz University (2001-2010):
- Habilitation in philosophy – June 26th 2017 – Dissertation: “Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s Action Theory – Reinterpretive Studies”. Committee: Prof. Katarzyna Paprzycka (UW), Prof. Włodzimierz Galewicz (JU), Prof. Małgorzata Cern (AMU)
- Ph.D. in philosophy – June 7th 2010 (cum laude/with honors) – Dissertation: “Status of Goodness and Duty in Contemporary Naturalistic Ethics”. Supervisor: Prof. Tadeusz Buksiński (AMU). Committee: Prof. Marcin Poręba (University of Warsaw), Prof. Ewa Nowak (AMU)
- B.A. in classical philology – 2006
- M.A. in philosophy – 2005
- 04.2019-01.2023: “Intentionality of organizational routines”, National Science Centre Poland, DEC-2018/29/B/HS4/01824 – director & principal investigator (363 933 PLN),
- 01.2019-01.2022: “Semantic and epistemological aspects of ostension: from demonstrating procedures to exploitation of the context of utterance”, National Science Centre Poland, DEC-2018/29/B/HS1/01868 – investigator (461 440 PLN),
- 08.2012-08.2015: “Theories of Reasons for Action. A Possibility of Application to the Management Field”, National Science Centre Poland Grant DEC-2011/03/B/HS4/04162 – director & principal investigator (108 100 PLN),
- 01.09.2012-31.03.2013: Practical Rationality: Contemporary Theories of Reasons for Action and Their Implications for the Conception of Prudential Reason, Fulbright Senior Advanced Research at UC Davis (26 280 USD);
- 03.2009-03.2011: “Status of Goodness and Duty in Contemporary Naturalistic Ethics” – Supervisory Grant of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, No. N N101 05963 – principal investigator (under the supervision of professor Tadeusz Buksiński);
C. PUBLICATIONS (2015-2025):
I. Authored monographs:
Makowski, P.T. (2017): Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s Action Theory – Reinterpretive Studies, New York: Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40051-8.
II. Edited volumes:
Makowski, P.T. (2015): Praxiology and the Reasons for Action, P. Makowski, M. Bonecki, K. Nowak-Posadzy (Eds.) [Praxiology: The International Annual of Practical Philosophy and Methodology, Vol. 23], New Brunswick, NJ: Routledge. .
III. Papers:
- Makowski, P.T. (2024): Conceptual engineering: the assessment of rigor and rudimentary recommendations for theory developers, Academy of Management Review 49(2): 431–435. DOI: 10.5465/amr.2021.0203.
- Makowski, P.T. (2024): Strengthening the theoretical perspective on action in routines research with the analytical philosophy of agency. Journal of Management. 50(5), 1743-1771. DOI: 10.1177/01492063231157328.
- Moskalewicz, M., Kordel, P., Kokociński, M., Wiertlewska-Bielarz, J. & Makowski, P.T. (2023). The rhythm of chemotherapy and the felt experience of time: a front-loaded phenomenological retrospective cohort study. Scientific Reports 13, 9286. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-35856-4.
- Ciecierski, T., Makowski, P.T. (2022): Demonstrations as actions, Synthese 200(467). DOI: 10.1007/s11229-022-03942-1.
- Makowski, P.T. (2021): Optimizing concepts: conceptual engineering in the field of management. The case of routines research, Academy of Management Review 46(4): 702-724. DOI: 10.5465/amr.2019.0252.
- Makowski, P. (2021): Practical intentionality: injecting analytical theory of agency into organizational research. AOM Proceedings 2021(1) DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2021.144.
- Makowski, P.T. (2021): Routines: towards the complexity of organizational intentionality, Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13: 1059–1080. DOI: 10.1007/s13164-021-00566-1.
- Makowski, P.T., Kajikawa, Y. (2021): Automation-driven innovation management? Toward Innovation-Automation-Strategy cycle, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 168, 120723. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120723.
- Makowski, P.T. (2020): Collective intentionality and automatic imitation. The case of La Ola, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50(5): 465-492. DOI: 10.1177/0048393120918302.
- Makowski, P.T. (2019): What Are Psychological Micro-foundations of Organizational Routines? (transl. by A. Ostrowska), Problemy Zarządzania – Management Issues 17(4): 88-99. DOI: 10.7172/1644-9584.84.6.
- Makowski, P.T. (2016): Intention Inertia and the Plasticity of Planning, Philosophical Psychology, 29(7):1045-1056. DOI: 10.1080/09515089.2016.1213799.
IV. Chapters:
- Biscaro, C., Ratzinger, R. & Makowski, P.T. (2025, forthcoming). “Denial as a catalyst for creative exploration. creativity. Hopeful paths”. In Science Denial: People, Organizations, and Institutions, Eds. E. Bruni and L. Lefsrud, Oxford: Oxford University Press,
- Makowski, P.T. (2024): “(Re)Conceptualizations: Intentional concept development in the social sciences”. In Stalmaszczyk (Ed.). Conceptual Engineering: Methodological and Metaphilosophical Issues, Brill: mentis, pp. 181–204.
- Hensel, P. & Makowski, P.T. (2023): “How the street-level misconduct happens: Deploying references to complex routines as a coping strategy with detrimental consequences”. In Organizational Wrongdoing as the “Foundational” Grand Challenge: Consequences and Impact Vol: 85. Eds. C. Gabbioneta, M. Clemente, R. Greenwood (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 84), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 193-210.
- Makowski, P.T. (2022): “Shared Agency and Intentionality – A Praxiological View” in Self-Knowledge and Moral Identity, Ed. R.K. Panda (pp. 257-272), New Delhi: Tulika Books/Columbia University Press.
- Makowski, P.T. (2017): “Kotarbiński’s praxiology and the analytic action theory” in Praxiological Essays: Texts and Contexts, Ed. W.W. Gasparski, Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781315103532.
- Makowski, P.T. (2016): “Reasons for Being Flexible. Desires, Intentions, and Plans” in Desire – The Concept and Its Practical Context, Ed. Timo Airaksinen, Wojciech W. Gasparski (pp. 59-78), New Brunswick, NJ: Routledge.
- Makowski, P.T. (2015): “Praxiology meets Planning Theory of Intention: Kotarbiński and Bratman on Plans” in Reasons for Action and Praxiology. Broadening the Borders, Eds. P. Makowski, M. Bonecki, K. Nowak [The International Annual of Practical Philosophy and Methodology, Vol. 23] (pp. 43-71). New Brunswick, NJ: Routledge. .
V. Papers in Polish:
Makowski, P.T. (2022): Intencjonalność kolektywna a wyjaśnianie mikro-makro–przykład działań rutynowych. Sensus Historiae XLVI (2022/1): 185-198.
- Makowski, P.T. (2022): Jak myśleć o praktyczności? Wojciecha Gasparskiego traktat o filozofii Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego oraz similaria. Prakseologia 163-164: 163-178.
- Makowski, P.T. (2018): Conceptual Engineering in Organization and Management Theory. Studia i Materiały 28(2): 90-100. DOI: 10.7172/1733-9758.2018.28.8.
- Makowski, P.T. (2015): Moore and the Semantic Autonomy of Ethics, Principia. Pisma koncepcyjne z filozofii i socjologii teoretycznej, Vol. 59-60: 67-81 DOI: 10.4467/20843887PI.14.003.2973.
D. PRESENTATIONS (2014-2025):
I. in English (international):
- Makowski, P.T., S. Ren “Hybrid collective intentionality of human-AI teams: two mindsets and their implications for teamwork”, University of Bath, School of Management (04.12.2024 – invited),
- Makowski, P.T. “Different yet same. Intentionality ascriptions to routines across practice and capabilities schools. Large Language Model-based approach” Harnessing LLMs for Management Research, PDW, Academy of Management, Chicago, USA (10.08.2024),
- Motor intentions (breaking bad): cognitive science, action theory and conceptual engineering. XXV World Congress of Philosophy, Rome, Italy (07.08.2024 – invited),
- Makowski, P.T., N.J. Foss & S. Lindenberg “When Routines Fall Apart: The Role of Collective Mindfulness and Organisational Support, Institute of Leadership and Change Management, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria (07.11.2023 – invited),
- Makowski, P.T. “Stability of temporarily extended agency and path-dependence”, 12th Polish Congress of Philosophy, Lodz, Poland (14.09.2023),
- Makowski, P.T. “Rhetoric power of presuppositions and the common ground of conversation”, Symposium 1871: “The Disruptive and Performative Power of Rhetoric” (Elena Bruni & Claudio Biscaro), Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, USA (08.08.2023 – invited),
- Makowski, P.T. “Shared intentions in the Coleman Boat”, Themes from Raimo Tuomela’s Social Ontology, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania (27-28.09.2022 – invited plenary),
- Makowski, P.T., Biscaro, C. “Stickiness of concepts and creativity. Understanding the barriers to innovative theory building”, EGOS 2022, Vienna, Austria, (07.07.2022),
- Makowski, P.T., “Sticky concepts: Barriers to theory building in organizational research”, PHOM 2022, University of Oxford, St. Anne’s College, Oxford, UK (01.07.2022),
- Makowski, P.T., “Optimizing concepts: Conceptual engineering in the field of management”, Strategy, International Management & Business, and Entrepreneurship, University of Bristol School of Management, Bristol, UK (18.01.2022),
- Makowski, P.T., Kajikawa, Y. “Automation-driven innovation management? Towards Innovation-Strategy Cycle” Deep Learning, Optimization, Big Data & Artificial Intelligence without Borders (LOD 2021) Grasmere, Lake District, UK (04-08.10.2021),
- Makowski, P.T. “Practical intentionality: injecting analytical theory of agency into organizational research” Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2021 (OMT Division), virtual, (30.07-03.08.2021), virtual;
- Makowski, P.T. “Making sense of the psycho-cognitive microfoundations of organizational routines: Automaticity/flexibility problem revisited”, European Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2020, Dublin, Ireland 2020,
- Ciecierski, T., Makowski, P.T. “Demonstrations as Actions”, ECAP 2020, Utrecht, Nederlands (17-28.08.2020),
- Makowski, P.T. “Making sense of the psycho-cognitive microfoundations of organizational routines: Automaticity/flexibility problem revisited”, Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2020 (MOC Division), Vancouver, Canada, (10.08.2020),
- Makowski, P.T. “Innovation management without managers? Automation and management in light of conceptual engineering” – Exploring Responsible Innovation Using Philosophical Methods (PDW), Vancouver, Canada, (08.08.2020),
- Makowski, P.T., Ciecierski, T. “Demonstrations as Actions”, SPE 2019, Warsaw, Poland (20.09.2019),
- Makowski, P.T. “Conceptual Engineering and Organization and Management Theory. The Case of Routines Research”, EGOS 2019, Edinburgh, UK (05.07.2019),
- Makowski, P.T. “Conceptual Engineering and Organization and Management Theory. The Case of Routines Research”, AMJ/AMR Paper and Idea Development Workshop, ISCTE-JUL, Lisbon, Portugal (25.06.2019),
- Makowski, P.T. “Collective Intentionality and Practice/Routine Dynamics”, Helsinki Workshop on Routines and Practices, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland (23.05.2019),
- Makowski, P.T. “Economic Expertise and Political Innocence”, Culture of Economic Expertise, Polish Economic Institute, Warsaw, Poland (25.01.2019),
- Makowski, P.T. “Routines”, Philosophers’ Rally, University of Łódź, Poland (30.06.2018),
- Makowski, P.T. “Collective Intentionality and Automatic Imitation. A Hybrid Account of Shared Action”, 2nd Context, Cognition, and Communication Conference, University of Warsaw, Poland (18.06.2018),
- Makowski, P.T. “Flexibility of Planning Agency” Dept. of Philosophy, University of California, Riverside, USA (26.04.2018 – invited talk),
- Makowski, P.T. “Why Do Planning Agents Need Psychological Flexibility?” HULT International Business School, San Francisco, USA (08.03.2018 – invited talk)
- Makowski, P.T. “Automatic Agency – Scientific and Philosophical Image”, Philosophers’ Rally, University of Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland (06.07.2017),
- Makowski, P.T. “Motor Intentions, Motor Representations, and Libet’s Experiment”, Philosophers’ Rally, University of Białystok, Białystok, Poland (05.07.2016),
- Makowski, P.T. “Distal Intentions in Empirically Unstable Contexts of Actions”, Context Cognition, and Communication Conference, University of Warsaw, Poland (17.06.2016),
- Makowski, P.T. “Intention Inertia and the Plasticity of Planning”, Institute of Philosophy, University of Bern, Switzerland (09.12.2015 – invited discussion on my paper),
- Makowski, P.T. “Plasticity of Planning Agency”, Social and Moral Philosophy, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland (28.10.2015 – invited talk),
- Makowski, P.T. “Shared Agency: Intentions, Reasons, and Propensities to Act”, Self-Knowledge and Moral Identity, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, (13-16.01.2015 – invited),
- Makowski, P.T. “The (In)flexible agency”, ‘Desire’ Workshop, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, Rome, Italy (31.10-01.11.2014 – invited),
- “The Praxiology of Shared Agency”, ACERP2014, Osaka, Japan (30.03.2014),
- Makowski, P.T. “Praxiology – The Philosophy of Effectiveness and Efficiency in Human Action” – Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Turkey (26.02.2014 – invited lecture),
II. in Polish:
- Makowski, P.T. “Tadeusz Kotarbinski’s Praxiology”, 12th Polish Congress of Philosophy, Lodz, Poland (16.09.2023),
- Makowski, P.T. “Praxiology of routine actions”, Praxiology, Ethics, Economy, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw (06.12.2022),
- Makowski, P.T., Ciecierski, T. “Demonstrations as Actions” , 11th Polish Philosophical Congress, KUL, Lublin (10.09.2019),
- Makowski, P.T. “The Problem of Intentionality in Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s Action Theory”, Learned Society of Praxiology, Pałac Staszica, Warsaw (16.02.2017),
- Makowski, P.T. “The Problem of Intentionality in Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s Action Theory”, Sign-Language-Reality, University of Warsaw, Warsaw (25.11.2016),
- Makowski, P.T. “Aristotelian Motives in Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s Praxiology”, Back To Aristotle, PTPN, Poznan (20.10.2016),
- Makowski, P.T. “The Psychological Conditions of Effectiveness in Fluctuating Environment (Military Cases)”, Problems of Effectiveness in Management, Academy of National Defense, Warsaw (04.12.2015),
- Makowski, P.T. “Psychological Stability in an Unstable Environment of Planned Actions”, Mind–Decisions–Behaviour, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun (15.05.2015);
- Host to Joint Academy of Management Review and Academy of Management Discoveries Idea Development Workshop, University of Warsaw, Poland (04-05.07.2022),
- Head of the Management Science Group – Recruitment Committee for the Doctoral School at the University of Warsaw, Poland (2020-21),
- The external examiner of two BA candidates, Institute of Philosophy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, (21.06.2019),
- Full Member of the European Group for Organizational Studies (05.2019-05.2020),
- The examiner/opponent of Ari Virta – public PhD Defence, University of Helsinki, Finland (22.04.2017),
- Peer-Reviewer for: Erkenntnis. An International Journal for Scientific Philosophy (Springer) Journal of Organizational Change Management (Emerald), Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy (Springer),
- Chairman of the International Conference Committee (and initiator of the event): ECTA 2013: European Conference of Theory of Action – Reasons for Action and Praxiology. Broadening the Borders (12-14.06.2013, Poznań),
- Member of Associaton for Contextual Behavioral Science (from 11.2017 – present),
- Member of American Philosophical Association (from 01.2017 – present),
- Member of Scientific Society for Praxiology (from 12.2011 – present),
- Member and Reviewer at Regional Committee of Philosophy Olympiad, Poznan (10.2011-2017),
- Member of the Editorial Board at: Ethics in Progress Quarterly, Academic Research Publishers of Institute of Philosophy, Adam Mickiewicz University (01.10.2010 – present);
- 2022: Rector’s Distinction for development and contributions to university growth, University of Warsaw (12.09.2022),
- 2021: Best Paper Nomination for: Practical intentionality: injecting analytical theory of agency into organizational research, Organization and Management Theory Division, Academy of Management, USA (03.08.2021),
- 2019: Nomination for 2019 EGOS “That’s interesting!” Award (for the paper: Conceptual Engineering in Organization and Managemet Theory. The case of routines research), Subtheme 61 Organizing Committee (08.08.2019),
- 2018: Kosciuszko Foundation Fellowship at University of California, Riverside (scholarship 02-05.2018), 9 000 USD,
- 2017: 3rd grade award from the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (for the book “Tadeusz Kotarbinski’s Action Theory”), 5 000 PLN,
- 2015: Unique Alumnus Grant (for 2-months scholarship in Helsinki), Adam Mickiewicz University, 10 000 PLN,
- 2013-2016: Scholarship for Polish Distinguished Young Scientists from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, 162 900 PLN,
- Fulbright Senior Advanced Research Award, University of California, Davis (scholarship: 09.2012-03.2013),
- Honors for the Ph.D. dissertation, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Dept. of Social Sciences Committee, (07.06.2010),