My name is Piotr /pjɔtr/. I was born in 1982 in Poland. I am a currently a Reader in Org Behavior at Queen’s University in Belfast (UK) and a research professor at the University of Warsaw, Poland (part time).

My research interests embrace two fields: management research (focus on org behavior, strategy, decision-making, and theory building) and philosophy of science and action (highlighted themes: intentions, practical rationality, automaticity, explanation, rationality of science, conceptual engineering). My approach to those two areas is highly interdisciplinary, hence my interests cover also a wider range of issues (metaphilosophy, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, but also – selected problems in cognitive and social psychology, AI, decision theory, game theory, and behavioural economics).

Good idea about my academic profile and interests gives the mini-interview carried out by Istvan Zardai from

In the field of management, I published in Journal of ManagementAcademy of Management Review, and Technological Forecasting and Social Change. In  the area of philosophy I published, among others, a book on action theory in Palgrave Macmillan and papers in Review of Philosophy and Psychology, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, and Synthese

I am an awardee of Fulbright Foundation (Senior Advanced Research Award, research at UC Davis, USA).

Privately, I am an aficionado of contemporary music, Ancient Greek language, and long distance cycling. My newest hobbies are alpine skiing and climbing. And a bass guitar.